Guide to Virtual Shares

What is a virtual share?

A virtual share is a financial instrument to give your contributors stake in your business' success to secure long term loyal relationships with them.

A virtual share is a contract between your company and the contributor under which the company determines the rights that the contributor will get as a virtual shareholder and the conditions for making a payout (e.g. meeting the business goals, exit or IPO, certain revenue threshold etc).

Virtual share rights that will help you engage your community

Information right: your right to inform and virtual shareholders right to be informed about your business and achievements. Let them know how they can help even more (and earn more).

Voting right: ask your virtual shareholders for their opinion on matters you choose and give them a feeling that they are being heard and their opinion is taken into account.
NB! Doesn't include: election of Management Board, major corporate transactions, amendments to Articles of Association, issuance of additional shares, dividend payout etc.

Payment right: depending on your goals, ambitions and how fast you want to grow you promise to make virtual shareholders a payment when:
  • a certain goal has been achieved (revenue, profit etc.)
  • company is sold
  • company is liquidated,
  • your shareholders decide so.

It is up to the issuer to design the catalogue of these rights.

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Who are virtual shareholders?

Contributors who are individuals (and in some cases companies) who do any activity that you deem valuable for your business growth.

Steps the contributor needs to complete to become a virtual shareholder in KOOS registry:
    Identify themselves on KOOS platform
    Sign the contract (=accept the Terms of Virtual Shares)

Examples of contributions:
  • helping to create revenue by using the services or buying the products, 
  • helping to increase the customer base by making a sales intro or referral, 
  • participating in meetings and events, 
  • sharing content online, 
  • writing articles or blog posts, 
  • supporting other community members while using the product, referencing a customer and so on. 

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