What is  KOOS.io ?

 KOOS.io  is a new business development tool designed for startups and medium-sized businesses seeking sustainable user adoption and growth. It is a platform where contributors earn virtual shares by actively contributing to business growth, creating a dedicated community invested in the company's success.

Who can benefit from virtual shares?

Various stakeholders will benefit from virtual shares. Companies benefit because they will build an engaged and rewarded community of contributors, and contributors benefit through having a stake in the company's growth and prosperity.

What's ethical capitalism?

Ethical and conscious capitalism believes that just like people should be good to each other, businesses should also be kind to people and the environment. It's about companies having a positive impact on humanity.

How much does  KOOS.io  solution cost?

Setting up a virtual share plan on  KOOS.io  platform costs only a fraction of what it would cost compared to making tens, hundreds or thousands of people into actual shareholders. Setting up the plan that includes everything from business and legal consultation, templates and plans to get going is 2500 €.

After setting up the program, your monthly subscriptions depends on the size of your community, the prices start at 149 € per month (includes up to 2000 virtual shareholders).

Backhand Index Pointing Right Please see our detailed product pricing  HERE .